During last month’s 11th ICG in Seoul, Korea, young members (35 years of age and younger) from around the world met to network and spread ideas on how to promote and improve geosynthetic technology. The conference was well attended by the young members of the IGS, from industrial suppliers, consultants, contractors, clients and academics. The Young Members Committee organised several events including a young member session, evening social event and the announcement of the photo competition.
The second day of the conference saw the finale of the young member paper competition. Nine finalists presented their papers from 35 entries received. The papers and the finalist’s presentations were judged by industry experts in the session. The presentations were of very high scientific quality and the session was very well attended. Ultimately, Prajakta Jadhav’s paper and presentation on “Erosion control of silty ravines on the banks of the Sabarmati River” won the competition. Congratulations to Prajakta!
An informal networking event took place on the evening of the second full day of the conference. The meal at a downtown restaurant allowed young conference attendees to connect with peers from across the world in a casual setting.
The conference also saw the conclusion of the Young Member Committee’s Inaugural Photo Contest was announced. The competition received over 50 entries of photographs by young members of the IGS featuring geosynthetic projects and applications. This field was whittled down to just 8 photos by a panel of experts. These final photos were open to a public vote online, receiving over 600 participants. These votes were tallied and the winning entry was by Wladimir Caressato Junior from TDM Brasil Ltda. His winning photograph (below) was selected 252 times.
If you are a member of the IGS and want to get involved in the Young Members Committee or attend future events like this please get in touch with us (youngmembers@geosyntheticssociety.org) or follow our social media accounts:
LinkedIn: www.LinkedIn.com/company/IGS-YMC.
Facebook: www.Facebook.com/YoungIGS/.
Reported by Ian Scotland