Requests being received now for 2018
The IGS, in support of our chapters, offers many resources. Two of those resources are: the IGS Ambassadors’ Program & Educate the Educator (EtE). Detailed information on these programs can be found on the IGS Web site under “Initiatives”. In both cases, the IGS partners with a chapter to create an event. Depending on the type of event the IGS provides support in terms of manpower and funding.
Chapters interested in participating in either program should work though the appropriate Regional Activities Committee (RAC) to make a program request for 2018. RACs will meet at GeoAfrica 2017, during this meeting they will create their action item list and develop budgets for 2018. Budget requests for 2018 will be presented during the IGS Council Meetings on 8 October at which time the IGS Council will vote on, and formalize, the 2018 budget.
If your chapter would like to host an EtE or Ambassadors’ program in 2018 now is the time to communicate with your RAC Chair!
African Regional Activities: Edoardo Zannoni <>
Asian Regional Activities: Rajagopal K <>
European Regional Activities: Martin Ziegler <>
Pan-American Regional Activities: Flavio Montez <>
IGS Secretary General: Elizabeth Peggs <>
Reported by
Elizabeth Peggs, IGS Secretary General