The Corporate Committee (CC) would like to take this opportunity to update you on its recent activities. The compo-sition of the current Committee membership is as follows:
- Committee Chair: Kent von Maubeuge – (Germany)
- Committee Secretary: Ian Fraser – (UK)
- Peter Legg – (South Africa)
- Flavio Montez – (Brazil)
- Francesco Fontana – (Italy)
- Jacques Coté – (Canada)
- Terry Ann Paulo – (USA)
As a general point, please do not hesitate to contact the chairman or secretary at any time with any queries/questions on Corporate Member issues. The CC recently held a committee meeting in October in Marrakech, Morocco just prior to the 3rd GeoAfrica IGS Regional Conference and the following provides a brief report on the issues discussed.
- Currently we have about 190 Corporate Members which marks a strong increase over the past few years. This growth strongly supports the overall strategic plan of the IGS to grow its individual membership and promote the appropriate use of geosynthetics.
- Please note that whilst the vast majority of members pay subscriptions on time we always have a few who are late. Some of the problems of late payment seem to be associated with lack of clear communication on due dates etc so we will be implementing a clearer and more rigorous system in this regard in order to be fair to the majority of on-time payers.
Conferences & Exhibitions
- Committee is discussing a range of initiatives aimed at improving the Corporate Member experience with IGS Conferences and Exhibitions.
- We previously mentioned the provision of guidelines to organisers of regional and international conferences en-suring ease of access for ‘exhibition only’ visitors. This access is preferably to be provided free of charge or, at worst, for a nominal fee (eg to cover catering). We see this as a vehicle to encourage visitors from related profes-sions who perhaps would not attend the full conference but can be introduced to geosynthetics via the exhibition. Clearly this could facilitate member exhibitors being able to issue invitations to customers and partners and hope-fully generate a wider audience for our exhibitions and industry.
- We will also be making a slight change to the IGS Corporate Member Plaques that we issue at International and Regional Conferences. These plaques will now highlight 40, 30, 20 and 10 year members. We consider this a small but important acknowledgement of those Corporate Members who have consistently supported the IGS over time.
Marketing & Communication
- From January 2018 we will be publishing a Corporate Members Bulletin Board on regular basis. This will be a short ‘one page’ communication containing concise information and links to all IGS and related activities that we believe may be of interest to Corporate Members. We hope that you will find this useful and will welcome your feedback once this starts.
- We will be asking all Corporate Members to provide contact details for two further individuals – in addition to the primary contact to receive the above Bulletin Board and other communications. Hopefully this will provide a com-munication ‘safety net’ to ensure that all Corporate Members do not miss out on any important information or op-portunities.
- Please note that the list of current Corporate Members on the IGS now has a logo for each member. Members are strongly encouraged to check their logo and provide us with an updated version if they wish.
Other Business
- The Corporate Member case history contest previously mentioned is in planning so please look out for further information on the first Bulletin Board in January.
- The Corporate Committee has established an official liaison with the European Association of Geosynthetic Man-ufacturers to promote communication. We would be keen to hear from Corporate Members who have ideas on other similar bodies with whom liaison might be beneficial.
Next Meeting
The next meeting of the Corporate Committee is planned for 22nd November 2017 via teleconference. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any matters you wish to raise.
We hope that you found this update useful and are reminded that if you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact the CC at any time.
Reported by
Kent von Maubeuge, Corporate Committee Chair