
13th ICG Abstracts Deadline Closing Soon
Present your ideas at one of the most significant global geosynthetics conferences in the IGS calendar by submitting your abstract and short course proposals now.

Next Fumio Tatsuoka Lecturer Announced
A lecture series celebrating geosynthetics advances in the Asia region has named Professor Chao Xu as its next honored speaker. The Fumio Tatsuoka Lecture was

Erosion And Mining Focus At IGS Brazil EtE
University teaching staff from the northern Brazil region benefited from a three-day IGS Educate the Educators (EtE) session. IGS Brazil’s seventh edition of the EtE

Waste Water Management Conference First For IGS Mexico
Widening knowledge about the use of geosynthetics in Mexico’s mining sector was given a boost after IGS Mexico held its first such symposium. The Chapter,

10 Questions With… IGS Romania
This year, IGS Romania celebrates more than three decades of championing geosynthetics in the region. Here, Chapter President Ernest Olinic, with input from Past President

Improving Safety And Reliability With Stabilising Geogrids
A geogrid-stabilised working platform has helped to ensure a major transport project stays on track in the UK. Tensar InterAx geogrid solution has been used