Eric Blond

Eric Blond

Eric Blond

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Level Individual in Chapter, TC Member - Barrier System, TC Member - Hydraulics

Start Date January 1, 2000

Biography (Je parle aussi Francais) Eric Blond is an independent consultant offering technical services to the geosynthetics and engineered construction material industries. His key expertise includes soil filtration, drainage, dampproofing, waterproofing, durability, among other functions and applications of Geosynthetics. Eric Blond is actively involved in several technical committees and Industry associations, such as ASTM D35 (Chairman of subcommittee D35.10 on geomembranes), ISO TC221 (Chairman of the Canadian Mirror Committee), the IGS – International Geosynthetics Society (chairman of the Technical Committee on Hydraulics, Secretary of the North American Chapter IGS-NA), The Canadian Geotechnical Society, The Canadian Commission on Construction Material Evaluation, and CSA A123 on roofing materials. Eric Blond is committed to education and introduction of geosynthetics technologies. He has authored more than 100 technical papers, conferences, and courses. He is an invited lecturer at Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal. He also offers custom trainings to engineering firms, and regularly contributes to workshops, pre-conference short courses and other training events. He is a professional engineer registered in Quebec and Alberta. With more than 25 years of experience and projects conducted in North and South America, Europe and the Middle East, Eric Blond holds one of the most comprehensive independent expertise in geosynthetics and polymeric materials used in the construction industry.

Chapters North American

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Eric Blond

Eric Blond

Level Individual in Chapter, TC Member - Barrier System, TC Member - Hydraulics

Start Date January 1, 2000

Chapter North American

Biography (Je parle aussi Francais) Eric Blond is an independent consultant offering technical services to the geosynthetics and engineered construction material industries. His key expertise includes soil filtration, drainage, dampproofing, waterproofing, durability, among other functions and applications of Geosynthetics. Eric Blond is actively involved in several technical committees and Industry associations, such as ASTM D35 (Chairman of subcommittee D35.10 on geomembranes), ISO TC221 (Chairman of the Canadian Mirror Committee), the IGS – International Geosynthetics Society (chairman of the Technical Committee on Hydraulics, Secretary of the North American Chapter IGS-NA), The Canadian Geotechnical Society, The Canadian Commission on Construction Material Evaluation, and CSA A123 on roofing materials. Eric Blond is committed to education and introduction of geosynthetics technologies. He has authored more than 100 technical papers, conferences, and courses. He is an invited lecturer at Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal. He also offers custom trainings to engineering firms, and regularly contributes to workshops, pre-conference short courses and other training events. He is a professional engineer registered in Quebec and Alberta. With more than 25 years of experience and projects conducted in North and South America, Europe and the Middle East, Eric Blond holds one of the most comprehensive independent expertise in geosynthetics and polymeric materials used in the construction industry.

Specialist Fields Barrier Systems, Hydraulics

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Looking For Work Yes

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