The IGS is pleased to announce the 19th IGS Council. Following the conclusion of the mid-term election, the IGS Council co-opted and invited members in order to better represent the diversity of the IGS membership within the council. Co-opted members of the IGS Council are: Chiwan Wayne Hsieh (Taiwan), Hong Kwan (Hogan) Kim (Korea), Erol Tutumluer (U.S.A.), Chao Xu (China), and Kasia Zamara (U.K.). Co-opted Members enjoy the same voting rights as elected Members and shall retire or stand for election at the first ballot after the date of co-option. Invited members of the IGS Council are: Fatma Baligh (Egypt), Andre Estevao Silva (Brazil), Vivek Kapadia (India), and Dawie Marx (U.S.A.). Dawie Marx is the current Chair of the Young Members Committee and the position has a permanent invitation to participate in council meetings.
IGS Officers:
President Chungsik Yoo (Korea)
Vice President Nathalie Touze (France)
Secretary General Edoardo Zannoni (South Africa)
Treasurer Ian Fraser (U.K.)
Immediate Past President Russell Jones (U.K.)
IGS Council Members:
Dimiter Alexiew (Germany) | Preston Kendall (Australia) |
Sam Allen (U.S.A.) | Hong Kwan Hogan Kim (Korea)+ |
Fatma Baligh (Egypt)* | Dawie Marx (U.S.A.)* |
Laura Carbone (Germany) | Yoshi Miyata (Japan) |
Jacques Cote (Canada) | Jabulile Msiza (South Africa) |
Andre Estêvão Silva (Brazil)* | Pietro Rimoldi (Italy) |
Francesco Fontana (Italy) | Tim Stark (U.S.A.) |
Jie Han (U.S.A.) | Erol Tutumluer (U.S.A.)+ |
Chiwan Wayne Hsieh (Taiwan)+ | Chao Xu (China)+ |
Vivek Kapadia (India)* | Kasia Zamara (U.K.)+ |
Takeshi Katsumi (Japan) | Helmut Zanzinger (Germany) |
Jacek Kawalec (Poland) |
+ Denotes a co-opted member
* Denotes an invited member
The IGS thanks the following outgoing members for their dedication, commitment and leadership over the years:

We are extremely grateful for the valuable contributions that our outgoing Council Members have made toward advancing the mission of the IGS. The IGS is a volunteer organization and without the dedication and hard work of the volunteers we could not move forward!