A geogrid-stabilised working platform has helped to ensure a major transport project stays on track in the UK.
Tensar InterAx geogrid solution has been used to construct a temporary working platform as part of the HS2 high-speed rail project from London to Birmingham. The materials have been used to create a stable and robust foundation able to support significant track pressures on variable subgrade across a 5,000m2 area.
The project, shared in our latest sustainability case study, demonstrates how this approach has provided reductions in required material and therefore build time, construction cost, material and carbon emission savings.
Launched in March, last year, the IGS Sustainability Case Study series highlights how geosynthetics offer a greener solution in construction projects. Available as one-page pdfs, the profiles are easily downloaded and shareable.
Access the latest case study and more on the IGS Sustainability web page here, where you can also find more resources including eBooks, videos, and papers.
+++ Does your geosynthetics project demonstrate how geosynthetics benefit the environment? For a chance to feature in an IGS Sustainability Case Study, email IGS Secretariat Manager Elise Oatman at igssec@geosyntheticssociety.org with some basic details.