A message from our President, Chungsik Yoo.
Dear Fellow IGS Members,
We hope that this message finds you, your family, and your friends safe and well. At this time, Covid-19 continues to spread globally. The world is experiencing a seismic change. Due to the pandemic, the way we work has altered and many infrastructure and engineering projects have been delayed. The novel coronavirus is disrupting international conferences across the globe, many of which have either been cancelled, postponed or converted into online events. The IGS regional conferences are no exception. GeoAmericas 2020 will become the first major IGS event to take place entirely online (October 26 – 31, 2020). EuroGeo 7, meanwhile, has moved on the calendar to May 2021. Unfortunately, this pandemic is far from over and there is currently no end in sight to this public health crisis.
In my very first message to our IGS members, I introduced five strategic goals for my presidency. Among those, the goal “Improve education and knowledge sharing through up-to-date communication tools” may be the one that is most relevant during these difficult times. To achieve this goal, the IGS Council has launched the “e-Resources” Task Force, dedicated to developing a digital platform that allows the IGS members quick and easy access to digitalized educational materials such as lecture materials, IGS Regional and International Conference proceedings, and webinars. The Task Force is chaired by Prof. Jie Han, with the support from the Communication Committee, chaired by Mr. Sam Allen. The IGS e-Resources platform is expected to be in full operational mode by the end of this year.
Although we are currently living in uncertain times, we should continue our efforts to promote and disseminate geosynthetics technology. I have every faith that the IGS community will find new and innovative ways to achieve this goal. These efforts will enable us to lead our society to the next level.
Thank you again for your membership and commitment to the IGS mission. Please take care of yourselves and your loved ones.
Yours sincerely!
Chungsik Yoo, Ph.D.
President – International Geosynthetics Society