Young Member Photo Competition
The Young Member Committee of the IGS is holding its first ever photo competition in 2018. This contest intends to promote young members of the International Geosynthetics Society. The competition seeks the best photos of geo-synthetic materials or technologies taken by young members (under 36 years of age on 31st December 2018). Sub-missions will be accepted on the IGS website until June 2018, with the winner being awarded before the 11th ICG. Follow the Young Members Committee’s social media accounts for the launch details.
Recognising Wikipedia Contributions
The Young Members committee are to encourage and recognise the contributions of young IGS members on geo-synthetic-related Wikipedia pages. If you make changes to any page, you can let the committee aware by recording your Wikipedia user name on the below form:
It is set up so that you may choose to remain an anonymous, referred only by your username. Significant contributions may be recognised in future editions of the IGS Newsletter.
You can stay in touch with news and events from the IGS Young Members committee by checking out the webpage and their social media accounts:
Reported by
Ian Scotland, Communications officer of the Young Members Committee.