Boosting in-person networking opportunities and building greater educational resources are on the agenda for IGS UK this year.
The Chapter’s plans for 2024 were revealed at its annual meeting last month, a hybrid event at The Geological Society in London, UK, where commitments were made to:
- Host four to five high quality in-person events tied in with local committee meetings of geotechnical groups (Yorkshire Geotechnical Group, Midland Geotechnical Society, North West Geotechnical Group, British Geotechnical Association)
- Run continuous professional development lunchtime sessions on geosynthetic functions with practicing engineers.
- Promote existing educational presentations and expand this with high quality case studies.
- Look to co-badge with a broader IGS presence where committee members are invited to local lectures/networking events.
Highlights from the year were also shared, including nationwide hybrid and in-person events on topics such as fibre optic sensing technology in earthworks, mitigating coastal erosion with geotextiles, the role of geosynthetics in sustainable development, and various aspects of the HS2 railway project. There was also time for fun and socialising with a Corporate Members golf day won by a team from Naue.
Attendees also heard from speaker Professor Erol Tutumluer who shared latest findings on ‘Geosynthetic stabilization of aggregate layers in paved roads’. The Chapter also awarded honorary membership to Steve Corbet for his outstanding commitment and contribution to the IGS and geosynthetics industry. Mr Corbet has been involved with the IGS for more than 30 years and devoted the majority of his career to promoting the appropriate specification and use of geosynthetics.

Members also heard the IGS UK website had been updated, making it more accessible and streamlined for the committee to manage and users to interact with.
For more about IGS UK and upcoming events, visit the Chapter website here.
+++ If IGS UK members would like submit case studies and presentations, please email details to Mike Horton at