The IGS is delighted to announce its soon-to-launch new website!
With a more modern look and functionality, the revamped site aims to give users greater access to a range of resources with interactive elements, and members-only features to widen collaboration and networking.
Highlights include a revamped Corporate Members’ Directory, a special section on Sustainability, and a resource-rich Digital Library incorporating images, videos, journals, technical and educational documents, and IGS proceedings guides.
There’s also an exciting interactive Chapter Map that displays chapter contact details and upcoming events at the touch of a button.
Member collaboration and the development of sustainable solutions are important to the IGS so there are new technical committee pages focusing on greater member interaction, with a members-only TC Forum under development.
The new site will continue to have all the great features members currently enjoy, including regular news and an events calendar.
The new website is due to launch in September. Watch this space!