The IGS’s ambitious plans for the next four years have been released.
The plans are presented in an informative brochure subtitled ‘Building On Firm Foundations’, which charts the impressive achievements of the IGS since its creation 40 years ago and the challenges it faces into the future. The report shares the IGS’s new priorities, spearheaded by the recently elected IGS Council, outlining its purpose, vision and aims. These aims will be achieved through four strategic goals, which are:
- Influential – leading the way on the responsible use of geosynthetics
- Trusted – becoming the go-to authority on geosynthetics
- Representative – attracting and retaining a diverse body of members
- Sustainable – ensuring financial robustness and engaged membership
IGS President Sam Allen said: “The IGS has come a long way since its launch in 1983 and there is still much work to be done. As our Chapter members and industry stakeholders face increasingly challenging environments, the IGS needs to ensure it has firm foundations on which to continue supporting our community, both in terms of delivering for our members now and ensuring the Society is fit for purpose into the future. Our Strategy 2022-2026 presents our exciting vision for this, why now, and how.”
IGS Executive Director John Kraus added: “Our report doesn’t shy away from presenting an honest picture of where the Society sees itself now and where it wants to be in the future, for the benefit of members, Chapters and wider society. We explain how we’re going to achieve our aims, including more details about two very important assets, the Sustainability Benefits Calculator and Geosynthetics Handbook.
“The market for geosynthetics globally is healthy and growing and our strategy intends to ensure our members are front and centre of these opportunities. The future for geosynthetics is exciting and we want members to join us on that journey.”
To read more about the IGS’s dynamic plans for the next four years, click here for the full report. It’s also easy to download and share with your network.
If you have any questions or would like more information about ‘Strategy 2022-2026’, contact IGS Executive Director John Kraus at
+++ Watch this space as we go in-depth into the IGS’s four Strategic Goals in a new article series.