Pietro Rimoldi shared the latest in geosynthetic reinforcement design and application with members of the Greek Chapter of the IGS.

The Chapter, known locally as the Hellenic Geosynthetics Society, welcomed Mr Rimoldi to Athens, where he spoke about ‘Geosynthetics for soil reinforcement’ to an audience of around 60 people.
Mr Rimoldi, who is chairman of the IGS Technical Committee on Soil Reinforcement, gave an overview of the new Eurocode EN 1997-3, Section 9 on geotechnical design, as well as several case histories. He also covered the design principles of reinforced slopes, walls, and abutments, the design of basal and veneer reinforcement, and issues around sustainability of reinforced soil structures. New use cases were also discussed including for rockfall protection embankments and impact barriers.
Christos Stratakos, Secretary of IGS Greece, said of the event held in the Technical Chamber of Greece: “We were very pleased to have Mr Rimoldi speak to our members and give an excellent and interesting presentation. We also took the opportunity to honor our previous Chapter presidents, Professor Emeritus Dimitrios Atmatzidis and Dr. Anastasios Kollios for their contribution to IGS Greece so in all it was a very upbeat and informative day.”

Find out more about IGS Greece by visiting its website here.
Learn more about the IGS Technical Committees here.