The IGS Foundation (IGSF) marks another vigorous year of activity with the publication of its latest annual report.
The report highlights the diverse initiatives the Foundation facilitated over 2024 as well offering a healthy financial picture as it progresses towards its goal of securing at least $500,000 in donations.
Developments over the last year included funding IGS Educate the Educators events in Brazil, Australia and Greece, providing student scholarships for attendance at three global conferences, sponsoring job shadowing opportunities, and giving financial support to sustainability initiatives such as the IGS Geosynthetics Handbook.
The IGSF said farewell to Kent Von Maubeuge, who left the Board of Trustees after two years’ service, and welcomed new trustee Yuli Doulala-Rigby.
The Foundation also celebrated repeat donations in 2024 from several of its Founding Donors, as well as new givers from France, China, India, Australia, and the USA.
IGSF Treasurer Boyd Ramsey said: “The Foundation has enjoyed another busy year supporting established and new initiatives that place geosynthetics education at its heart. None of this is possible without our generous donors – but we need additional donations to ensure our mission survives and thrives.
“The Foundation is now in its fifth year of operation and has continued to improve and expand the IGS’s mission of widening awareness, understanding and adoption of geosynthetics. I urge you to join us on that journey.”
Find out more about the IGSF, how to donate and apply for funding, via its website.
Download the full annual report here.