Original thinking and hard work characterized the IGS Award-winning projects at the 10th International Conference on Geosynthetics held in Berlin, Germany. The IGS Awards were presented during the General Assembly held on 24 September 2014 at 10ICG. Several IGS members were honoured for their contributions to the geosynthetics discipline. IGS Awards are granted to individuals or groups of individuals who have made an outstanding contribution to the development and use of geotextiles, geomembranes, related products or associated technologies through their scientific and technological achievements.
This year, the IGS Awards Committee had difficult decisions to make. The committee is comprised of several distinguished individuals: Fumio Tatsuoka (Committee Chair), Neil Dixon (Vice-chair), Fazli Erol Guler, Jonathan R. Fannin and Georg Heerten.
All members of IGS are eligible for IGS awards except the President of IGS and the members of the Awards Committee.
The Young IGS Member Achievement Awards
Two Young IGS Member Awards were given out this year. Eligible IGS members had to be less than 36 years of age on December 31, 2013.
Kuo-Hsin Yang – Analysis, Design and Case Study of GRS Structures

- Ph.D., The University of Texas at Austin, 2009
- Supervisor: Jorge G. Zornberg
- Associate Professor, 2013 – present
- Department of Civil and Construction Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan Tech)
Kuo-Hsin Yang’s analysis, design and case study of GRS structures using both numerical (limit equilibrium and finite element) and physical (centrifuge and field monitoring) modeling examines geosynthetic properties and limits.
Yan-feng Zhuang, Ph.D. – Electro-Kinetic Geosynthetics (EKG)
and Electro-osmosis Theory

- Associate Professor in Geotechnical Engineering, School of Civil Engineering, Wuhan University, P.R.China
- Member of ISSMGE
- Young Committee Member of Chinese Chapter of ISSMGE
Electro-osmosis Theory: Developed Energy Analysis Model and Electric Charge Accumulation Theory.
EKG and Related DC Power Source: Developed novel geosynthetics product for efficient soft ground improvement using electro-osmosis.
Field applications: We are doing more and hopefully E-treatment can be a next generation method for deep soft ground improvement.
Field-scale Evaluation of Wrinkles in Exposed HDPE Geomembranes
Melissa Chappel, Kerry Rowe, Richard Brachman and Andy Take
Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada
Summary and recommendations:
- Wrinkle formation α surface temperature
- controlled by solar radiation (time of day and year)
- Cover when the surface temperature < 30°C
- Base: before 08:00 and after 17:00
- South facing slope: before 08:00, and late in the day
- West facing slope: before 12:00 and after sunset
CUR 243 report: Durability of Geosynthetics

John H. Greenwood, Ph.D. – consultant to ERA Technology Ltd.
Hartmut F Schröder, Ph.D. – consultant BPHS
Wim Voskamp, MSc, – Voskamp Business Consultancy
This 275 page book provides a state-of-the-art review of the life-limiting mechanisms of geosynthetics, the methods available to test and assess lifetime, and the means by which durability can be improved.
Geosynthetic-reinforced Unpaved and Paved Roads

Jie Han, Ph.D., PE – Professor, University of Kansas, USA
- Member of Geosynthetics Committee, ASCE Geo-Institute
- Editorial Panel Member, Geosynthetics International
- Technical Chair for 2011 GeoFrontiers Conference
- Technical Chair for 2006 GeoShanghai International Conference
The goal was to conduct a comprehensive study on geosynthetic-reinforced roads and promote sustainable use of geosynthetics with recycled material.
Behavior of Geosynthetics and Geosynthetic-Reinforced Soil Retaining Walls through Model Testing and Advanced Numerical Analysis

Hoe I. Ling – Professor, Department of Civil Engineering & Engineering Mechanics, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA
- Member of International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
- Member of American Society of Civil Engineers
- Transportation Infrastructure Geotechnology (Co Editor-In-Chief)
- Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering (Associate Editor)
A series of full-scale shaking table tests of reinforced-soil retaining walls subjected to Kobe Earthquake motions was performed (with Yoshiyuki Mohri, Dov Leshchinsky).
- Constitutive modeling of geosynthetics and granular soils, including cyclic behavior, using advanced plasticity models.
- Implementation and validation of models for nonlinear dynamic finite element analysis.
- Instrumentation results acted as benchmark allowing for validation of numerical procedures and design.
Basal Reinforced Piled Embankments Research Programme

Suzanne van Eekelen – Research leader, PhD. Candidate, Deltares, Delft University of Technology
Adam Bezuijen – Professor, daily supervisor/promoter, Ghent University, Deltares
Frits van Tol – Professor, promotor, Deltares, Delft University of Technology
MSc students (Delft University of Technology):
– Herman-Jaap Lodder (RPS)
– Theresa van Liere – den Boogert (Mobilis)
– Tara van der Peet (Witteveen & Bos)
The load distribution on the basal reinforcement was measured and explained, resulting in a new analytical model (comprising arching and load deflection) that
- generates consistent results
- agrees well with: measurements in the field and in laboratory experiments, and numerical calculations.