Zilina, Slovakia, February 07-08, 2019

The 13th International Conference on Geosynthetics was held on 07-08 February 2019 in Zilina. Conference was organized by the University of Zilina, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Slovak Chapter of the International Geosynthetics Society (IGS SK) in partnership with, the Slovak Chamber of Civil Engineers, the Slovak Railways and the Slovak Road Association, under the auspices of the University of Zilina (UNIZA). The conference was one of the main activities of the Slovak IGS Chapter in 2019.
Over 80 participants from Slovakia, Italy, Austria, Poland, Czech Republic, and Serbia have participated in the conference. Participants included academicians, researches, designers, manufacturers, administrators, suppliers, and some end users. We were very pleased to welcome Dr. Jacek Kawalec from Poland, the member of IGS Council.
Organizers led by prof. Marian Drusa (University of Zilina, dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering,) and prof. Libor Izvolt (University of Zilina, head of the Department of Railway Engineering and Track Management) with other members of Scientific Committee set up a standard form of a conference. The Conference´s program included two keynote lectures and 15 papers covering the following themes:
- Design of structures by using geosynthetics
- Experience from realized civil infrastructures
- Research and development in the field of geosynthetics
During the opening session, a speech was given by prof. Josef Vican (Vice-rector of University of Zilina) and by prof. Marian Drusa (dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Zilina), which was scientific and organizational guarantor of the conference. After a short musical presentation by student’s artists from UNIZA, the professional part of the conference started.
The first keynote lecture was given by prof. Andrea Segalini (University of Parma, Italy) and it was focused on “Geotechnical Monitoring of Reinforced Soil Structures”. Afterwards, Dr. Radovan Baslik (President of the Slovak IGS Chapter) informed about the history of the using geosynthetics in Slovakia in the last forty years.
The conference met the expectations of the organizers, guests and other participants. Contributions were presented at a high professional level and generate a lively, creative and stimulating discussion among the participants. Pleasantly spent time at the social evening just confirmed the careful organization of the event and its successful course.
Geosynthetics 2019 confirmed its validity and the organizers are already preparing the 14th International Conference on Geosynthetics named “Geosynthetics 2021” (svf.uniza.sk/geosyntetika), which will be organized again at the University of Zilina.
At the end of conference, the Slovak chapter of IGS took the opportunity and organized a General Assembly of IGS Slovakia.

Reported by
Radovan Baslik, Slovak IGS Chapter President