The Young Members Committee (YMC) of the IGS is pleased to announce the GeoAmericas 2020 Young Members Program . This program complements the regular conference technical program, so young members aged 35 and under will experience both the rigor of the conference activities and the friendly nature of our complementing activities. Much of this program builds on your technical contribution to the regular sessions, so do not miss the looming deadline – 26 June ! – to submit your abstract .
The GeoAmericas 2020 Young Members Program includes the following:
Technical Activities:
· Young Members Session: All young members (students or young professionals) that submitted a paper to GeoAmericas 2020 are invited to also present a version of his/her paper in this dedicated young members session. Please see specific announcement below. As a young member you’ll be able to present your work to your young peers in an informal atmosphere where the discussion and exchange will be fully encouraged. At this point, please make sure you have submitted the abstract to the regular conference program .We’ll communicate the subsequent steps in the near future.
· IGS Students Award Session: This session is co-organized by the IGS Education and Young Members Committees. It is the oral presentation of the student paper selected by the Pan-American Chapters of the IGS. If you are interested in this program, please make sure you communicate with the leaders of your chapter to learn more about the chapter selection process.
Social Activities:
· Young Members Reception: This will be organized to welcome all young members to the conference. The only ‘oldies’ invited will be the leaders of the IGS and IGS chapters, as well the conference organizers. Do not miss this special event!
· Outdoor and Fun Activities : These are a series of fun and social activities organized by the IGS-Brazil Young Members group. Yes! All of them in beautiful Rio de Janeiro. They will complement nicely the social activities in the main conference program.
We’ll initiate communication among young attendees to the conference well before the actual beginning of the conference, so please keep members of the YMC posted about your plans.