50 Years Commemorative Session of the Journal GEOTECNIA

The Portuguese Geotechnical Society (SPG) celebrates the 50th anniversary of GEOTECNIA Journal (together with the Brazilian and Spanish geotechnical associations – ABMS and SEMSIG), with an event that will take place on 20 and 21 September 2021, in person, at the Portuguese National Laboratory for Civil Engineering – LNEC, in Lisbon, PORTUGAL, with simultaneous live broadcasting. Participation is free of charge but subject to prior compulsory registration (https://forms.gle/GcPQFYgmM8PreVEY6).
The event, in Portuguese and Spanish, features 19 oral presentations by distinguished colleagues of the three associations (SPG, ABMS and SEMSIG), which are published in the Special Issue of GEOTECNIA, vol. 152 (https://impactum-journals.uc.pt/geotecnia). We believe that the diversity of the topics addressed by the highly esteemed colleagues renders this event unique in its scope and value.
The final program is available at the link.
António Gomes Correia
On behalf of SPG and GEOTECNIA