Educate the Educators:
A teaching blueprint for educators
The short videos presented below are a teaching companion to the “Introduction to Geosynthetics” lecture, which is the initial presentation delivered during a full 16-hour Educate the Educators program. The full EtE program provides university professors of geotechnical engineering with the necessary content and pedagogical tools to offer undergraduate civil engineering students exposure to geosynthetics within their current classes.
We hope this introduction will inspire you to want to learn more, and we strongly encourage you to request an EtE program in your country or region (PDF).
Foreword to the introductory lecture
This 7-minute presentation elaborates on the target audience for the “Introduction to Geosynthetics” lecture and the suggested duration. It also discusses an outline of content, with a focus on geo-material properties. The lecture is delivered by Prof. Jorge G. Zornberg, from the University of Texas at Austin, USA, and former president of the IGS.
Experiential learning – integrated panel
This 11-minute video supports planning for an integrated panel to complement the “Introduction to Geosynthetics” lecture. The topic of geosynthetics is particularly well suited for an experiential learning component in which students actually see and handle these geo-materials. The lecture is delivered by Prof. Maria das Gracas Gardoni, from the Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil.
Experiential learning – geosynthetics lab
This 14-minute video illustrates the dynamics of the proposed experiential learning activity, as delivered to participating students. While this activity is particularly well-suited for an in-person lab, the video shows an online version.
Interested in knowing more?
As an educator interested in implementing the “Introduction to Geosynthetics” lecture in your own classroom, you may request PowerPoint source files for this lecture.
NOTE: By submitting this request to the IGS you agree that the slides and images will only be used/modified for educational purposes, will not be posted or circulated, and that the source will be appropriately referenced.
For further information and conditions, please contact us at: igssec@geosyntheticssociety.org
You can also discover more by watching the IGS University Lecture Series:
An Introduction to Geosynthetics
In this 15-minute video, IGS President Prof. Chungsik Yoo addresses the fundamentals of geosynthetics in infrastructure and the sustainability advantages of using geosynthetics.
Geosynthetic Functions
In this 55-minute lecture, geotechnical engineering professor Dr. Erol Guler (Bogazici University, George Mason University) describes the essential functions of geosynthetics and how they translate to better performing infrastructure. Key functions of these engineered materials include reinforcement, stabilization, erosion control, barrier/containment, protection, and more.
Geosynthetic Properties and Testing
In this 45-minute video, Dr. George Koerner, P.E. (Director, Geosynthetic Institute) identifies geosynthetic properties and how various materials are prepared for testing. Examples of testing used to support proper geosynthetic specification and project qualification are provided.
Geosynthetic Products and Their Manufacturing Methods
In this 54-minute lecture, Kent von Maubeuge describes the various types of geosynthetic products and the manufacturing methods used in order to engineer these materials. The video explores geosynthetic functions, how raw materials are selected and utilized in the production process, specialty products, common graphical symbols used in the field, and the benefits offered to infrastructure through the proper specification of geosynthetics.