Special Issue on ‘Soil-Geosynthetic Interaction’
Guest Editors:
Dr. Ioannis N. Markou, Democritus University of Thrace, Xanthi, Greece; e-mail: imarkou@civil.duth.gr
Dr. Castorina Silva Vieira, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal; e-mail: cvieira@fe.up.pt
The shear resistance at soil–geosynthetic and geosynthetic–geosynthetic interfaces is critically important for the proper design of geosynthetic reinforced structures, such as retaining walls, and of geosynthetic-lined landfills, reservoirs, and canals.
The design and construction of such applications are enhanced through proper understanding of the related interface behaviour. Free draining granular materials, including industrial by-products (e.g., fly ash, furnace slag) and construction and demolition wastes, are often specified as reinforced backfill materials for reinforced soil structures, and cohesive soils of low permeability are specified for geosynthetic-lined landfills and reservoirs. Although the interaction behaviour at the soil–geosynthetic and geosynthetic–geosynthetic interfaces is studied mainly by performing modified direct shear tests, inclined plane tests and pullout tests, other tests (e.g., ring shear and triaxial compression tests) have also been used for this purpose. The main objective of this Special Issue is to present the latest, original research findings and developments on soil–geosynthetic and geosynthetic–geosynthetic interactions using conventional or specialized materials and methods.
All the submitted papers for possible publication will go through a regular review process via the journal online Editorial Manager and only the ones that pass the reviews will be accepted for publication.
Submission period: 15 May 2023 – 15 July 2023
If you are interested in submitting your paper, please first contact Prof. Ioannis N. Markou (imarkou@civil.duth.gr)
Website link for online submission: https://www.editorialmanager.com/IGGE/default.aspx
While submitting the paper for possible publication via the journal online Editorial Manager, the type of paper should be selected as “SI: Soil-Geosynthetic Interaction”.
Guest Editor Guidelines: https://www.springer.com/journal/40891/updates/17908926
For more information, please contact:
The Publisher
Petra van Steenbergen
Executive Publisher, Chemistry, Earth and
Environmental Sciences
P.O. Box 17, 3300AA Dordrecht, The Netherlands
The Editor-in-Chief
Sanjay Kumar Shukla
Edith Cowan University
Perth, Australia
sanjaykshukla1@gmail.com; s.shukla@ecu.edu.au