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Announcing IGS-NA Educate the Educators – 2019 December 9-10 – La Jolla California

IGS-NA logoFollowing our IGS-NA successful Educate the Educator (EtE) event held in Kingston, ON in December 2017, where we provided training and educational materials to 35 Engineering Professors from across North America to enable them to offer state-of-the-practice geosynthetics education to their students at their Universities.  This was our second EtE event since relaunching the initiative in 2015.  Plans are currently underway to hold our 3rd EtE event at UC San Diego on December 9-10, 2019.  Additional information is available at  IGS-NA would like to extend a special thank-you to our 2019 Event Sponsors, as of May 1: Cetco, TenCate, and Solmax; an updated list of sponsors is available on our website.

Reported by Bruno Herlin, IGS-NA Vice President Communications