IGS Awards
Recognizing Excellence
Our awards recognize individuals or groups from within the IGS membership, whose work has made an outstanding contribution to the development and use of geosynthetics, or who have given outstanding service to the Society.
All IGS members are eligible for consideration, except the President and members of the Awards Committee.
Award winners receive a certificate and specially commissioned medal, and are usually presented at the IGS General Assembly or a Regional IGS Conference.
The IGS Award
The most prestigious of all the IGS Awards recognizes advances in the scientific and engineering development of geosynthetics products and associated technologies. This award is presented every four years in concert with the IGS General Assembly and the International Conference on Geosynthetics (ICG).
Dimiter Alexiew
Erol Tutumluer
Yan Yu and R. Kerry Rowe
Richard J. Bathurst, Tony M. Allen, and Yoshihisa Miyata
Amy Rentz, Lauren Ashe, Richard Brachman, Kerry Rowe, and Andy Take
Dr. Yewei Zheng, Dr. Patrick J. Fox, and Dr. John S. McCartney
Dr.-Ing.Hartmut Franz Schroeder
Ir. Wim Voskamp
Dr. Jie Han, PhD., P.E.
S.J.M. van Eekelen MSc
Ir. A. Bezuijen
Dr. R. Kerry Rowe
Dr. Richard W.I. Brachman
Dr. William Andrew Take
Prof. Hoe Ling
A. Nernheim
Dr. Richard J. Bathurst
Prof. Chungsik Yoo
Dr. Yoshihisa Miyata
Prof. Nicola Moraci
Dr. Patrick J. Fox, P.E.
Dr. Ahmet Aydilek
Mr. Allen Lunzhu Li
Dr. Ennio Marques Palmeira
Dr. Jorge G. Zornberg, P.E.
Dr. Maria Das Graças Gardoni Almeida
Dr. Jean-Pierre Giroud
Mr. Tony M. Allen
Dr. Barry R. Christopher. P.E.
Mr. V. Elias, P.E.
Dr. Scott Thornton
Dr.Ing. Daniele A. Cazzuffi
Ing. Pietro Rimoldi
Ing. Piero Sembenelli
Prof. Jean-Pierre Gourc
Dr. Hiroshi Miki
Dr. Richard J. Bathurst
Professor T.S. Ingold
Mr. Chris G. Jenner
Mr. Chris R. Lawson
Mr. Ragui F. Wilson-Fahmy
Dr. Dhani B. Narejo
Dr. Zhenqi Cai
Dr. Robert M. Koerner
Dipl.-Ing. Karl-Heinz Blume
Mr. Joseph E. Fluet
Honorary Membership
Honorary Membership is awarded to individuals in recognition of their distinguished position, scientific achievement, outstanding service to the Society, or major contributions to the promotion of geosynthetics and their applications. In common with the IGS Award, Honorary Membership is presented every four years at IGS General Assembly and the International Conference on Geosynthetics (ICG).
Prof. Fumio Tatsuoka
Dr. Robert Koerner
Giroud Lecture
Established in 1994, the Giroud Lecture honors Dr. J.P. Giroud’s invaluable contribution to the technical advancement of the geosynthetics discipline and his central role in the development of the IGS. The Giroud Lecturer is chosen by the IGS Council, with the lecture delivered at the International Conference on Geosynthetics.
Read more:
A Speaker’s Perspective
Watch the most recent Giroud Lecture:
Healing the World: A Geosynthetics Solution
Access 30 years of Giroud Lectures:
Giroud Lectures
Dr. Ennio Marques Palmeira
The Mercer Lecture
Since 1992, the Mercer Lecture has honored the late Dr. Brian Mercer, a renowned innovator and entrepreneur. Mercer invented modern Tensar geogrids for the construction industry, providing stabilisation and reinforcement, with the underlying concept of simplicity, flexibility and strength. Mercer lecturers are selected by IGS in partnership with the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE), and must have made significant technical contributions to the advancement of geosynthetics. Tensar International sponsors the lecture.
Read more about the Mercer Lecture Series:
Mercer Lecture Series
Access all past Mercer Lectures:
Past Mercer Lectures
Prf. Alan McGown
Prof. Fumio Tatsuoka
Prof. Jean-Pierre Gourc
Dr. Robert M. Koerner
IGS Service Award
This award is given out to IGS members in recognition of their commitment and dedication to the society and the greater good of the geosynthetics discipline.
Boyd Ramsey
Francesco Fontana
Hervé Plusquellec
Dr. Jorge Z. Zornberg
Dr. Richard J. Bathurst
Ing. Pierpaolo Fantini
Ms. Karina McInnis
Dr. E.R. Floss
Mr. James Paul DECEASED
Mr. Jean Renard
Prof. Toshinobu Akagi, PE. Dr. Eng.
Mr. Chris R. Lawson
Dr. David J. Elton, P.E.
The Young IGS Member and IGS Young Member Service Awards
Reserved for members under the age of 36 years, these awards are made according to similar criteria as the IGS Award and IGS Service Award.
Fernanda Bessa Ferreira
V. Vinay Kumar
Laura Carbone
Fernando Henrique Martins Portelinha
Ben Leshchinsky
Prof. Kuo-Hsin Yang, Ph.D
Mr. Zhuang, Yanfeng
Mr. Edoardo Zannoni
T. van der Peet MSC
Dr. Saman Zarnani
Mr. Warat Kongkitkul
Prof. John S. McCartney
Dr. Daiki Hirakawa
Mr. Francois Cartaud
Dr. Nathalie Touze-Foltz, Ph.D.
Dr. Young In Oh
Dr. Jan Kupec
Mr. Taro Uchimura
Scott Merry
Dr. Jorge G. Zornberg, P.E.
Mr. James (Jay)McKelvey, III
Dr. Richard A. Jewell
IGS Plaque
Presented in recognition of a specific goal or service achieved by the recipient.
Dr. Abdelmalek Bouazza
Mrs. Rosemary T. Stevenson
Dr. Richard J. Bathurst
Ir. Wim Voskamp
Prof. Liu Zong-Yao
Prof. Wang Zheng Hong
Mr. Wang Yu-Ren
Professor T.S. Ingold
IGS Chapter Achievement/Service Award
Mr. Hugues Girard
Prof. K. Rajagopal
Prof. Mauricio Ehrlich
Dr. Eun-Chul Shin
Prof. Andrea Cancelli
Mr. G.R.A. Watts
Mr. Mauricio Ossa
Prof. Toshinobu Akagi
PE. Dr.Eng.
Mr. Jacques Perfetti
Mr. Bao Cheng-Gang
Prof. Dennes T. Bergado
Dr. Sam-Deok Cho
Mr. Komei Iwasaki
Mr. Kelvin R. Legge
Mr. L. David Suits
Dr. Ing. Hartmut Franz Schroeder
Dr. G. Venkatappa Rao
IGS Student Award
Ms. Carlotta Pons
Mrs. Shabnam Meshkinghalam
Laura Carbone
Herman-Jaap Lodder
David Miranda Carlos
Ms. Alla Kusnetsova
Ms. Irene Nyirenda
Dr. Maria Crespo Mucientes
Mr. Hakki Ozhan
Ms. Katarzyna Anna Zamara
Mr. Erick Yusuf Kencana
Mr. Jinsuk Hur
Dae-Seong Cho
Ms. Salisa Chaiyaput
Agustin Ecke
Eng. Marianna Jacominy A. Mendes
Jesús Alberto Gomez-Rivera
Azadeh Hoor
Mr. Jose Sousa
Mr. KiKwon Hong
Mr. Shilei Zhang
Ms. Mahuya Ghosh
Mr. Jaturonk Saowapakpiboon
Dott. Ing. Giuseppe Cardile
Miss Anna Sia
Dr. Melissa Chappel
Mr. Tit Liviu Talos
Mr. Claas Heitz
Ms. Priscilla Ching
Mr. Armel Ganne
Mr. Carlos Antonio Centurion Panta
Mr. Olivier Boutron
Mr. Agatino Simone Lo Grasso
Mr. Tawatchai Tanchaisawat
Ms. Karina Lange
Mr. Sun-Bin Kim
Mr. Bastien LeHello
Mr. Zhuang, Yanfeng
Dr. Susumu Nakajima
Special Awards
Dr. R. Kerry Rowe
Dr. Brian L.J. Mylleville
Dr. Rudolph Bonaparte, P.E.
Twenty and Thirty Year Corporate Awards
Dupont De Nemours (Luxembourg)
Japan Spunbond Toray (Japan)
Okasan Livic (Japan)
Tencate Geosynthetics Austria (Austria)
Tokyu Construction (Japan)
Geosynthetic Material Assoc. (USA)
Kajima Corporation (Japan)
Huesker Synthetic GMBH (Germany)
NAUE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
GSE Environmental LLC (USA)
Obayashi Corporation (Japan)
Solmax (Canada)
Low & Bonar BV (Netherlands)
Kuraray Co. LTD. (Japan)
Tensar International (U.K.)
Tensar International Corporation (USA)
The Reinforced Earth Company (USA)
Cofra B.V. (Netherlands)
Taiyo Kogyo Corporation (SUN) (Japan)
Tenax S.P.A. (Italy)
Cetco Lining Technologies (USA)
Maeda Kosen Co., LTD. (Japan)
Mitsubishi Chemical Infratec Co., LTD. (Japan)
Daehan i.m. Co., LTD. (UK)
Geofabrics LTD. (UK)
Agru Kunststofftechnik (Austria)
Geofelt GmbH (Austria)
Presto Geosystems (USA)
Fiti Testing & Research Institute (Korea)
Officine Maccaferri SpA (Italy)
Assoc. of RRR Construction System (Japan)
Beaulieu International Group (Belgium)
Integrated Geotechnology Instititute (Japan)
JUTA a.s. (Czech Republic)
Maccaferri Do Brasil LTDA (Brazil)
Tencate Geosynthetics Americas (USA)
The Association of RRR Construction System (Japan)
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