During the IGS Council plenary session in Seoul, Korea, the newly formed Egyptian Chapter of IGS (IGSE) was selected to host GeoAfrica 2021 in Cairo, Egypt. GeoAfrica 2021, the 4th African Regional Conference on Geosynthetics will follow the great successes of the previous GeoAfrica conferences in South Africa, Ghana and Morocco.
GeoAfrica establishes a gateway for geosynthetics into Africa by providing a forum for engineers, practitioners and academia to explore current and future potential applications for geosynthetics while offering an active market place for the promotion of geosynthetic products and technology to users throughout the African continent.
The use of geosynthetics in infrastructures and mega projects has immensely increased in Egypt and the region in recent years. Projects including major expansions of highways and railroads in challenging soil conditions, new cities and urban centers, industrial and commercial zones, ports, tank farms, landfills, mine tailings, and major utilities have seen extensive use of geosynthetic products in various applications. IGSE has therefore chosen a conference theme to be “Geosynthetics in Sustainable Infrastructures and Mega Projects”. IGSE believes that this theme will attract the attention of many practitioners in Egypt and the region. The technical program of the conference shall be developed to cover the different applications of geosynthetics with a preference towards infrastructures and mega project applications.