The IGS, in accordance with its bylaws, will hold elections in 2018. IGS Members will have the opportunity to elect eight Council Members, a President and Vice President. Each of the elected members will serve a four-year term, beginning on 25 September 2018.
The IGS encourages any IGS Member who is interested in furthering the IGS Mission to consider standing for one of the Council positions. It is a requirement for all Council Members to attend IGS Meetings during their tenure as a Council Member. In a typical year, the IGS Council meets once for a two-day period preceding a geosynthetics event. It is the responsibility of the IGS Council member to travel to these meetings and participate in the plenary and committee meetings. The IGS Council attempts to host the meetings in equal distribution around the world and based on the most suitable location in any given year.
The elected IGS Council members whose term of office concludes in 2018 are:
• Dr. Kazem Fakharian, Iran (co-opted mid-term to complete the term of elected Eric Blond, Canada Resigned 2016)
• Ian Fraser, United Kingdom
• Chiwan Wayne Hsieh, Taiwan
• Karpurapu Rajagopal, India
• Takeshi Katsumi, Japan
• Peter Legg, South Africa (Treasurer)
• Pietro Rimoldi, Italy
• Nathalie Touze-Foltz, France
The IGS bylaws stipulate that a Council Member may only be elected to two consecutive terms; hence, Karpurapu Rajagopal, Peter Legg, Nathalie Touze-Foltz are not eligible for re-election to a Council Member seat. Council Members having served 2 terms are eligible to run for the office of President or Vice President. Each of the other incumbents are eligible to stand for re-election to a council position.
In addition to the IGS Council positions this notice serves as a call for nominations for candidates to fill the positions of President and Vice-President.
Nomination & Election Schedule
Under the bylaws of the IGS, only IGS Members are eligible for election to the Council. Candidates are required to travel to and attend the IGS Council meetings, which are typically held once per year. Meetings of the IGS Council are generally held in conjunction with international and regional IGS conferences.
Announcement of Call for Nominees: December 2017
The IGS will announce the call for candidates in this 3rd Issue of the IGS News, December 2017, as well as on the IGS website. All IGS Members are encouraged to consider running for council.
The call for nominations will close 1 March 2018. All nominees should submit: a letter of intent (including the seat for which you will be nominated: Council, Vice President or President), CV and photo to the office of the IGS Secretariat Manager at by on or before 1 March 2018.
Announcement of Nominees: March 2016
The IGS will announce the eligible candidates in the 1st issue of the IGS News, March 2018, as well as on the IGS website.
Voting: 15 April to 15 June 2018
Voting instructions will be sent via email to each eligible Individual IGS Member and each designated representative from the IGS Corporate Membership. Each member may vote once and all voting will be done electronically. Please make sure you have submitted an accurate email contact to the IGS.
Announcement of Successful Candidates: 1 July 2018
IGS Members will be made aware of the successful candidates via email and website on 1 July 2018
First Meeting of the New IGS Council: at 11ICG held in Seoul, Korea September 2018
If you have any questions or would like any further information on the election process or the responsibilities involved with becoming an IGS Council Member, please contact the IGS Secretary, Elizabeth Peggs (, SKYPE: Elizabeth.Peggs, TEL +1.561.768.9487.