University of Zilina, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Slovak IGS Chapter, Slovak Geosynthetics Society, Slovak Chamber of Civil Engineers, Slovak railways and Slovak Road Association organized the 11th International Seminar on Geosynthetics, on 16 – 17 February 2017 at University of Zilina. The conference was one of the main activities of the Slovak IGS Chapter in 2017.
Over 90 participants from five countries have participated on the conference. Participants included academicians, researches, designers, manufacturers, administrators, suppliers and some end users.
Organizers led by Assoc. prof. Marian Drusa (University of Zilina, Head of the Department of Geotechnics) and Prof. Libor Izvolt (University of Zilina, Head of the Department of Railway Engineering and Track Management) with other members of Scientific Committee set up a standard form of conference. The proceedings included a keynote lecture and 16 papers covering a wide range of fundamental and applied problems on the topics of geo-synthetics.
During the opening session, a speech was given by Assoc. Prof. Marian Drusa, Prof. Josef Vičan (Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Zilina,), Prof. Libor Ižvolt, Dr. Boris Vrabel (Head of regional office of Slovak Chamber of Civil Engineers) and Dr. Radovan Baslik (President, the Slovak IGS Chapter).
A keynote lecture was given by Prof. Heinz Brandl (TU Wien, the President of the Austrian IGS Chapter) and it was focused on “Geotechnics for roads and railways, flood defense structures, special cases”. Afterwards, Dr. Jacek Kawalec (a member of the IGS Council) informed about latest IGS activities.
The conference consisted of five main sessions:
• New products, their properties, functions and application
• Design of structures by using geosynthetics
• Technical regulations and standards
• Research and development in the field of geosynthetics
• Case studies of structures with geosynthetics
At the end of each session, there was an interesting discussion on different topics. Some of the discussed topics were:
• The selection of geotextiles on separation or filtration function according to their geotextile-robustness-classes
• Creep influence on design lifetime of geocells
• Durability of geotextiles produced from waste
• Assessment of geotechnical structures from the perspective of environment protection
• Ballast bed stabilization by using the geocomposite on the test railway section
• Geosynthetics on modernized railway tracks and the new sections of highway in Slovakia
At the end of conference, the Slovak chapter of IGS took the opportunity, and organized a General Assembly of IGS-Slovakia.
Marian Drusa introducing the Geosynthetics 2017 Interna-tional Conference. From the left, Boris Vrabel, Radovan Baslik, Josef Vican, Libor Izvolt
Radovan Baslik welcoming the participants
Prof. Heinz Brandl presenting his keynote lecture
Jacek Kawalec delivers information on IGS activities
A view of participants
Organizers, Officers of the IGS-Slovakia and invited foreign IGS members (left to right: Radovan Baslik, Peter Turcek, Jacek Ka-walec, Heinz Brandl, Libor Izvolt, Marian Drusa, Branislav Prelov-sky)
The next, 12th International Seminar on Geosynthetics named “Geosynthetics 2018” will be organized in Bratislava on February 2018.
Reported by
Radovan Baslik, Slovak IGS Chapter President