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Educate the Educators (EtE) Program Concludes in the Philippines

ETE 2017 Philippines Group photo

Through the efforts of Dr. Dennes Bergado, IGS Philippines President Engr. Mark Morales and Dr. Rajagopal Karpurapu, chairman, IGS-Asian Activities Committee (IGS-AAC), the first ever EtE program in Southeast Asia was conducted at the National Engineering Center, University of the Philippines, 27th – 28th April 2017.

There were 42 participants (22 from academia and 20 from industry). Apart from the necessary knowledge and tools to help educators integrate geosynthetic topics into their courses, the program also provided the opportunity to establish contacts with IGS institutional members from industry for future collaborations such as student on the job training (OJT) programs and faculty industry immersion. A total of twelve (12) academic institutions were represented while five (5) other universities expressed their desire to participate but were not able to attend.