The International Geosynthetics Society Technical Committee on Barriers has organized a workshop to be held at the XVI European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering in taking place in Edinburgh, UK, 13 – 17 September, 2015.
The workshop will be held 13:30 – 17:00, on Monday, 14 September, 2015
Room Harris 2, Edinburgh International Conference Centre.
Tentative program includes:
- Introduction and Framework of IGS TC-Barriers
- Barriers in coal ash applications in North America
- Durability of geomembranes in hydraulic applications
- Geosynthetics for Fukushima recovery – Storage of nuclide contaminated soil and MSW disposal
- Barrier systems for noise barriers with contaminated soils
- Introduction of ISO Geosynthetics Guide on Barriers – Panel Discussion
For inquiries about this workshop, please contact:
Kent von Maubeuge (TCB Chair, or
Takeshi Katsumi (TCB Secretary,