Water sustainability in Africa will be the subject of the inaugural Kelvin Legge Lecture at the 4th GeoAfrica conference next month.
Solid waste management specialist Peter Legg has been chosen to give the address at the 4th African Regional Conference on Geosynthetics (4th GeoAfrica), which runs February 20-23. His talk titled ‘The role of geosynthethic barriers for the future of African water resources’ will explore how properly engineered geocomposite barriers can mitigate the pollution impact of waste disposal to protect the continent’s precious water resources.
The Kelvin Legge Lecture was one of four new lectures created last year by the IGS Recognitions Task Force to honor some of the industry’s most impactful practitioners.
Mr Legg said: “I am extremely honoured and feel privileged to have been invited to deliver the inaugural Kelvin Legge Lecture at GeoAfrica 2023. I have known Kelvin Legge for the past 30 years and have a great admiration for his knowledge and passion for protecting our water resources.
“Having been involved in the design of many waste disposal facilities in South Africa and elsewhere in Africa over the past 30 years, I have been encouraged to see the increased development of properly engineered landfills and mineral waste disposal facilities incorporating geosynthetics in various functions including basal barriers, landfill final covers, filtration and reinforcement.
“My lecture will briefly consider the impact of uncontrolled waste disposal in Africa and the increased use of engineered barrier systems incorporating geosynthetics in various functions. Several case studies will be presented as well as guidance for the design of engineered barrier systems.”
Mr Legg is the owner of Peter Legg Consulting Geo-Environmental Engineers. He specialises in all aspects of civil and geotechnical engineering associated with solid waste management and pollution control facilities. He is a Past President of IGS South Africa and a former Treasurer of the IGS. He was also chairman of the organising committee for the first GeoAfrica in 2009, held in Cape Town.
For GeoAfrica4 hosted by IGS Egypt, delegates will gather at the Cairo Marriott Hotel in Cairo, Egypt, for a packed program exploring the theme ‘Geosynthetics in sustainable infrastructures and mega projects’. The event will include talks from seven eminent speakers including J.P. Giroud, Richard Bathurst, Jorge Zornberg, Chungsik Yoo, Daniele Cazzuffi, and Malek Bouazza.
Mohamed Salah Morsy, secretary general of the GeoAfrica4 organizing committee, said: “The interest in the conference is very high with all the exhibition booths now sold and healthy registration numbers showing an increased attention towards geosynthetic opportunities in Egypt and the Middle East. As well as a comprehensive technical program, prestigious keynote speakers and IGS local chapter awards, we will be hosting a gala dinner in a marvellous spot over the banks of the Nile. We look forward to welcoming everyone soon.”
To find out more about GeoAfrica4, visit the conference website here.