The 50th Anniversary celebration of the Geotecnia Journal was held at the Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil on 20th and 21st September 2021, organised by Sociedade Portuguesa de Geotecnia (SPG) in collaboration with Associação Brasileira de Mecânica dos Solos e Engenharia Geotécnica (ABMS) and Sociedad Española de Mecánica del Suelo y Ingeniería Geotécnica (SEMSIG).
The technical programme, was supported by the special volume nº152 (2021) of the Geotecnia Journal available in open access in July 2021 (, in addition to the opening and closing sessions and the presentation of the “Úlpio Nascimento” Awards for the biennia 2012-13, 2014-15, 2016-17, 2018-19.
The opening session included the speeches by Carlos Pina, from the Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil, Alexandre Pinto, SPG President, Fernado Schnaid, ABMS President, Fernando Pardo de Santayana, SEMSIG President and Associate Editor of the Geotecnia Journal, and António Gomes Correia, Editor of the Geotecnia Journal and Alberto Sayão, Associate Editor of the Geotecnia Journal.
The opening session was followed by a presentation of António Gomes Correia about the important moments of the 50 years of Geotecnia Journal. The succeeding presentations covered 19 topics (7 by Portuguese authors, 7 by Spanish authors and 5 by Brazilian authors) with emphasis on the characterisation of geomaterials, from soils to rocks, new developments in rock mechanics, geosynthetics, reinforced soils, bentonite barriers for nuclear waste, dams, underground works – hydropower plants, excavations, geothermal, geotechnics in transports, tunnels, landslides, “machine learning” and regulations. These presentations were made by key speakers from Portugal (António Gomes Correia, António Viana da Fonseca, Celso Lima, Emanuel Maranha das Neves, José Vieira de Lemos, Luís Joaquim Leal Lemos, Luís Lamas and Manuel Matos Fernandes), Spain (Antonio Gens, César Sagaseta Millán, Eduardo Alonso Pérez de Ágreda, Fernando Pardo de Santayana, Jose Estaire, Rubén Galindo and Santiago Peña Fernández) and from Brazil (Alberto Sayão, Anna Laura Nunes, Ennio Marques Palmeira, Fernando Schnaid, Gregório Araújo, Joaquim Pimenta de Ávila and Maria das Graças Gardoni).
The closing session included the speeches of the Presidents of SPG, ABMS and SEMSIG and the Editors of the Geotecnia Journal.
It should be noted that this commemorative ceremony of the 50th anniversary of the Geotecnia Journal was the first face-to-face event held in the auditorium of the Laboratório Nacional de Engª Civil after the beginning of the pandemic situation, although also with remote participation. It went according to what had been planned, both in terms of punctuality and quality of the presentations (with the respective discussions when time allowed).
Attendance exceeded expectations for a Portuguese and Spanish-speaking event. On the first day, there were 60 in-person participants and 262 in remote participation, making a total of 322 participants and on the second day, 35 in-person participants and 201 in remote participation, making a total of 236 participants.
Financial support was also provided by 23 companies, without which it would not have been possible to publish, in colour, the special volume no. 152 of the Geotechnics Journal, with a total of 628 pages.