The 9th edition of IAGIG (Annual Conference of Italian Young Geotechnical Engineers) was held in Naples on May 10th -11th. The event aimed to gather young professionals from various fields of Geotechnical Engineering and to share knowledge and experience among young professionals as well as the academia.
IAGIG 2019 was organised by the Italian Geotechnical Association (AGI) with the support of the University Parthenope of Napes and the board of Italian Professional Engineers of Napoli.
More than 170 participants attended the conference with 22 oral presentations and 18 posters on different topics such as: geotechnical structures monitoring and control, earthquake geotechnical engineering, environmental geotechnics, case histories and lessons learnt, in situ and laboratory tests, ground improvements and reinforcement methods, slope stability, engineering with geosynthetics.
This year’s novelty was to have four Invited Lectures given from the members of the IAGIG scientific committee. The first two lectures were presented by Raffaele Di Laora with the title “Bearing capacity of pile groups under vertical eccentric load: an innovative approach” and by Gabriele Della Vecchia on “The role of microstructure on the chemo-hydro-mechanical behaviour of clay barriers” respectively. The second day two other keynote lectures were given by Sara Amoroso on “Full-Scale Testing of Liquefaction Mitigation using Blast Test” and by Luca Masini on “The seismic behaviour of geosynthetic reinforced-earth retaining structures”.
IAGIG was a place for active discussions on issues related to both practice and the latest research findings on geotechnical engineering and it encouraged exchanges of experiences and knowledge among the young geotechnical engineers. Some contributions were delivered by young Italian engineers working abroad and eager to share their recent professional experiences. Also this year at the end of the event some time was devoted to present the activities of Italian members in other young groups of national and international geotechnical associations. Giulia Buffi, (Young Engineers Forum of ITCOLD), Laura Carbone (YMIGS and AGI-IGS) and Stefania Fontanella (young tunnelers – SIG) introduced the different groups, the main missions and activities and shared their personal motivation and experience to inspire other young members to be involved too and to encourage further liaison and interaction among the groups.
In addition to the keynote lecture given on the seismic behaviour of geosynthetic reinforced walls, members of the Italian Chapter of IGS also contributed to the thematic sessions presenting the engineering with geosynthetics in the dewatering and remediation application, in slope stability and in landfill covers. The short written report of each presentation or poster is shared in the IAGIG web-page (
The conference ended with a technical visit to the Galleria Borbonica where the young attendees had the opportunity to capture the potentialities and difficulties arising from the use of Naples’s underground for different purposes not only related to mobility infrastructures. Interesting technical solutions proposed by the designer Errico Alvino have been discussed.
Next edition of IAGIG will take place in May 2020.

Reported by Laura Carbone and Sabatino Cuomo, IGS members, Francesca Ceccato (AGI delegate for IAGIG).