The 8th National Conference on Geosynthetics was held on 16-17 May 2019 at the Bogazici University in Istanbul. The conference was organized by the Turkish Chapter of the International Geosynthetics Society in partnership with the Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering.
Natalie Touze, Burak Tanyu and Helmut Zanzinger were invited speakers at the 8th national conference dedicated to the technological advances and applications of geosynthetics. The first invited speaker Dr. Touze presented on ‘Geomembranes over GCLs: The Optimal Combination for Barriers against Contaminant Transport’. The second lecture was presented by Dr. Tanyu and focused on ‘Use of Recycled Concrete Aggregate in Geotransportation Infrastructure with Geosynthetics’. Mr. Zanginger followed with a lecture on ‘Laboratory Testing on Geogrids and Geocells used for the stabilisation function’. The event was well attended by professionals in the geosynthetics industry, young engineers, and especially students.
The event was an excellent success both in terms of the number of high quality papers presented and the engagement of the attendees. It was particularly thrilling to see over 40 students actively participate in the conference and experience the latest geosynthetics research findings. Representatives from the Young Members committee were present at the conference and offered flyers to attendees to introduce the committee, its activities and the potential opportunities available in the geosynthetic industry.
The conference surpassed the expectations of the organizers, participants and other guests. Plans are already being made to follow this up with the 9th National Conference to be held in 2020.
Reported by Young Members Committee Representative Sarper Demirdogen