The 7th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering (organized by AGI Associazione Geotecnica Italiana, under the auspices of ISSMGE, EAEE and IGS) met on 17-20 June 2019 in Rome. Close to 1,000 participants from all around the world attended the conference. Since Professor Erol Guler was invited to present a theme lecture, the AGI President, Professor Nicola Moracci (also a former IGS council member) asked Professor Guler to participate at the opening session and present information about IGS. With the consent of the officers, Professor Guler presented facts about the IGS, showed the IGS Video and also gave brief examples on how geosynthetics can be useful under earthquake loading conditions. The first example was of course, how the geosynthetic reinforced retaining structures behaved much better than classic gravity or reinforced concrete retaining walls. The second example was on the possibility of using a geomembrane instead of lining a canal with concrete. When it is lined with a geomembrane, it will behave much better during an earthquake and will not fail. The third example was using Geosynthetic Encapsulated Columns (GEC) which are basically geosynthetic wrapped stone columns to assure that the integrity of stone columns are assured under earthquake loading conditions. The geosynthetic encapsulation helps keep the integrity of the stone column and also increase its stiffness under seismic loads.