We were delighted to receive your completed chapter surveys for 2019. Your feedback helps us to help you to serve and grow your chapter’s membership base. Your thoughts are vital and we thank you for taking the time to submit your surveys.
Now for the results! Please take a look at our graphs showing the figures in more detail. Our headline results were:
- 61% of chapters responded – 29 of 47 answered the survey.
- Brazil, France, Australasia, Chile and Germany were the top five most active chapters according to the range and number of activities organized.
- Conferences and lectures were the most popular kind of technical activity organized, both by chapters and in collaboration with others.
- Webinars were increasingly popular.
- 140 activities were planned by chapters for 2020.
Survey lead and IGS Vice President Nathalie Touze said the results were very encouraging.
She said: “The impressive number of technical activities summarized in Figure 1 were supported by more than 133 board/committee meetings including in-person and conference calls, held by the chapter officers and members.
“It is great to see how active chapters are. It helps us identify those that might need more support from the IGS, and to celebrate others who are leading the way for their members. It is encouraging to see chapters had prepared for a packed 2020 before Covid-19 affected plans. We hope to see many of these events replaced by webinars and digital conferences.”
Nathalie added: “The chapters of the IGS have shown healthy numbers in terms of technical activities, which is of paramount importance for a learned scientific and engineering society.
“We hope the chapters will continue to promote the understanding of geosynthetics with a range of initiatives.”

Click here to read more about IGS activities in the latest edition of Chapter Chat.